Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Every day in December, this "Christmas Around the World" cultural holiday calendar, from the December 2009 Friend Magazine, describes a holiday tradition from another culture.
Your child can help you read the words or point out letters as you read a tradition every day. As you read about a country's tradition, your child matches a picture to the described event. Tape the picture onto the calendar each day and by Christmas, you and your child will have made 25 cultural discoveries.
My little girl wanted to play the "game" all in one sitting...and we've played it several times since this month.
I thought it would be fun to recreate many of these world-wide traditions with my children. One night we could eat a traditional Liberian holiday dinner or bisquits, rice and beef. Another night we could make little clay lamps and learn about the Indian holiday tradition...or eat our version of traditional holiday cake with strawberries and whipped cream.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Glittering ice ornaments can adorn your bare bushes outside. This is a twist on the SMMART ice art activity.
Help your child collect small waterproof items of interest around the house and outside. You can be holiday festive and collect red berries and twigs of evergreen. You can even include bird seed for a natural and usable ornament.
Some things that will work well are glitter, small toys, colored yarn, twigs, leaves and small pebbles. Your child can help you cut up the string or ribbon into small pieces. Help your child fill up a bundt cake pan, plastic bowl, ice cube tray, or any other type of mold with water. If you have little holiday plastic ice or chocolate molds, those would work GREAT!
Sprinkle the waterproof trinkets all over the water. Let your child stir up the treasures in the water. Many items will sink to the bottom, but when the mold freezes, those items will show nicely on top of the ice.
Cut a long piece of yarn and fold it in half. Rest the ends of the string inside the mold, so they'll freeze and you'll have a hanger for your ice ornament. Tape down the string onto the side of the mold to ensure that they stay put.
Place the water molds on a cookie sheet and pop into the freezer until completely firm.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Congratulations to:
Mami2jcn said...
The Lego Brickmaster Pirates look good.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Be sure to contact me and send your mailing address to, before midnight tonight (Dec. 3) to claim your prize. If you don't contact me by midnight, another winner will be posted.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Mastermind Toys has generously donated a Leap Frog "Text & Learn" to a lucky SMMART ideas reader. Mastermind toys has been in the business of encouraging young minds since 1984.
The Leap Frog "Text & Learn" uses the QWERTY keypad, so your child will become familiar with the order of the keys necessary for typing and developing computer skills. This learning toy hosts 3 learning levels (letters, games and pretend browser) and 6 games. This handheld toy will be an awesome learning tool for your child!

*To enter this giveaway,you have four entry opportunities:
2) Become a member of Mastermind's Facebook page (separate comment- "name:Facebook member").
3) Follow Mastermind Toys on Twitter at "Mastermindtoys" (separate comment).
4) Sign up to receive the eUpdates from the Mastermind Newsletter (separate comment).
This giveaway is open to those living in the U.S. and Canada. The winner will be chosen randomly and winner's name will be posted on this site Thursday, December 3rd, 2009. The winner needs to e-mail their mailing address to me by Midnight, December 3rd, or another winner's name will be posted. Good Luck!
(Here is a brief rundown of why people should get involved with Mastermind Toys online:
-eUpdate subscribers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers have access to special toy promotions that can't be found on the regular website.
-Use Facebook and Twitter to ask questions about their toys or specials, or even to help you find the perfect gift for your child, (they'll make suggestions if you're having trouble deciding!).
-Upload photos of your kid's Lego, K'Nex or arts and craft masterpiece on our Facebook page to share with other fans.)
You should check out the great toys and gifts at Mastermind Toys. Their Gift Guide highlights near 400 toys that are sure to bring sheer Christmas joy!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Pilgrims, Wampanoag, Turkey and Tryptophan...
Here are a few fun activities for your little ones while you're busy baking the apple, pecan and pumpkin pies!
Help your child trace his hand on festive colored cardstock or construction paper. Make about 6-8 hands. Help him cut out his hand tracings and set them aside.
Set out a few Thanksgiving colors of paint and let your child paint the back of a paper plate. Help your child think about things that he's thankful for and encourage him to paint pictures of these things. Your child could color with crayons or markers, if preferred.
Fold the paper plate in half and have your children count as he drops in several pieces of dried corn, beans or rice. Your child can tell you something he's grateful for, for every corn kernal he drops into the paper plate. Place the traced and cut-out hands into the edge of the folded paper plate to look like turkey tail feathers.
Staple the two paper plate edges together and place masking tape over the pointy ends of the staples.
Now you have a turkey shaker.
Now, let your little one shake his turkey to the beat of a fun Thanksgiving song! Practice shaking to the rhythm as you sing or recite. You can count out the beat first before you begin singing/reciting.
Have you heard this cute little song and poem from
In this song, you can shake/beat to a 1-2-3 rhythm or just the 2-3 (duh, dum) beats. ("Have you" is an upbeat, so start shaking on "ever" for the first beat.)
"Pumpkin Song" (3 Beats)
(tune: Have you ever seen a lassie?)
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, a pumpkin, a pumpkin,
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, that grows on a vine?
A round one, a tall one, a fat one, a small one.
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, that grows on a vine?
Recite this poem and have your child shake to the beat. When you say the words bobble-bobble or gobble-gobble, shake the turkey rapidly.
"Funny Turkey" (2 beats)
The turkey is a funny bird
Its head goes bobble-bobble;
And all he knows is just one word...
And that is GOBBLE-GOBBLE!
Now, try this little song...sung to the tune of "Christmas is Coming".
"Thanksgiving is Coming" (4 Beats)
Thanksgiving is coming,
The Turkey's getting fat.
Put a turkey feather in your pilgrim hat!
If you haven't got a feather, than a dried corn husk will do.
If you haven't got a dried corn husk,
Than God Bless You!
Check out the SMMART ideas Thanksgiving Video Segment on the "Good Things Utah" site...
It won't be posted on their site very get on over there!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Mastermind Toys offers a wide variety of fun, educational and exciting toys for this holiday season.
My four month old was sitting in her papasan chair and fussing a little as I was preparing dinner. Then, I put the Lamaze Garden Bug Foot and Wrist Rattle Set on her little feet and wrists. I was hopeful, but not sure that this would do the trick, since she has a yellow duck wrist rattle that hasn't captured her full attention lately...and since she was already fussing, I figured that if these Garden Bug rattles soothed her, then they really would be great!
Well, well, well! Her little eyes widened as she observed the rattles' bright colors and she was instantly interested in lifting her legs up so she could grab her newfound Buggie friends.
What we Like:
-She loved the vivid, bright colors of the little Garden Bug Rattles
-I could tell when she grabbed a Buggie wing and heard the crinkles, she was wondering where that sound came from. It's nice that the Lamaze Garden Bug Foot and Wrist Ratttle not only rattles, but the wings crinckle.
-The Lamaze Garden Bug Foot and Wrist Rattles kept my little one entertained until dinner was on the table...she really does enjoy them!
Now, the Kiddieland Learn N Play Activity Box was a big hit among my older daughters. The 2 year old's attention was captured for quite some time....and it's no wonder why. The Activity Box is LOADED with things to do, music, lights, "bells and whistles". The bright colors were attractive and there were so many activities on each of the six sides of the activity cube.

What we Like:
-So many activities...sure, there are activities on all 6 sides, but there are even multiple activities on each individual side! You can twist, turn, push, pull, and blinking lights and play with a pretend CD.
-The Learn N Play Actiity Box does a nice job of playing a variety of musical pieces, as well as varying the style of music (jazz, circus). I love that the Activity Box showcases Classical Music and Nursery Rhyme tunes.
-The activities are easy to figure out, so a child can play on her own and doesn't need a parent helping her to know what to do for each activity.
...Now, the Leap Frog Text and Learn...
For a 4 year-old child who has never used a handheld, the learning curve was a little slow. This toy is suggested for 3+ years of age. She needed to be shown how to use the directional keypad, how to jump from games to letter play and text mode. But, once she was shown a few basics, she was able to play with the Text and Learn by herself. She did enjoy learning this new skill and liked playing with the Text and Learn.

-On "Letter" mode, the Text and Learn sounds out the letter that your child pushes. This is a good review of letter sounds. The little on screen puppy helps to animate the example word starting with that lettter.
-My four year old really enjoyed the two games on this handheld, 'The Map Game' and 'The Bubble Game' that nurtured the use of the QWERTY keyboard and incorporated shape recognition.
Possible improvements:
-This toy could use more game options. Really, the only "games" it has are in letter mode when you push a letter and hear the sound it makes and a word that starts with the sound, the 'Map Game' (maneuver to find shapes) and the 'Bubble Game' (Press the letter shown in the bubble to pop it before it leaves the screen) in game mode, watching the puppy dance to music and free form texting the puppy in text mode.
-Text Mode asks if you want to write a text to the puppy...This requires parental support to help spell the message correctly. My daughter played around in this mode for a bit, but there wasn't much exciting to keep her in text mode. Text mode needs guidance, such as asking the child to fill in letters of words or asking the child to sound out a letter and push the correct letter (QWERTY keyboard practice)
The Leap Frog Text and Learn's 'Letter mode' is great for any child learning or reviewing their letters. If it had more games, it would be a great improvement!
Friday, November 20, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009
I thought I'd share a few little ditties with you so you can sing and recite these with your children before the big turkey day!
Pumpkin Song
(tune: Have you ever seen a lassie?)
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, a pumpkin, a pumpkin,
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, that grows on a vine?
A round one, a tall one, a fat one, a small one.
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, that grows on a vine?
Mr. Turkey
(tune of "Frere Jacque")
Mr. Turkey, Mr. Turkey
Run away, Run away
If you don't be careful
You will be a mouthful
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day
Funny Turkey Poem
The turkey is a funny bird
Its head goes bobble-bobble;
And all he knows is just one word...
And that is GOBBLE-GOBBLE!
Try this little song out:
Thanksgiving is Coming
Thanksgiving is Coming,
The turkey's getting fat!
Put a turkey feather in your Pilgrim hat.
If you haven't got a feather, than a dried corn husk will do.
If you haven't got a dried corn husk,
Than God Bless You!
God Bless You!
Monday, November 9, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
If you live around the Salt Lake City area, I thought you'd like to know about the KUED Reading Party to be held in January.
From Nov.4- Nov. 27, preschoolers to 5th graders are asked to fill out a reading time chart and log their hours onto (click on PBS Kids Club), or go to
You can print out the reading log here:
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Why do toasted rice crispies SNAP, CRACKLE and POP?
"When Kellogg's* Rice Krispies are toasted the cooked and dried rice "berries" expand their size (puff) to many times their normal size. Since the weight of the rice berry and its material mass remains nearly the same, the rice material is stretched to form very thin walls of the Rice Krispies structure. This is much like a very thin glass crystal. When subjected to a change in heat, a severe "stress" is set up and the thin wall fractures - creating a Snap, Crackle and Pop!
This happens in the cereal bowl when cold milk (i.e. heat stress) is poured in the Rice Krispies and presto SNAP! CRACKLE! POP! The sounds are made by the uneven absorption of milk by the cereal bubbles." (
Pour your child a bowl of crisp rice cereal and let her listen to the little rice "berries" after you pour a little cold milk on them. Observe how the toasted rice "crystal" cavities fill with milk.
Now for the experimenting...Set up a few bowls of dry cereal and a few cups of different liquids. Let your child pour the different liquids onto the dry bowls of toasted rice.
Do the rice "berries" make the same amount of sound when you pour a different type of liquid on them?
Try warm water, cold water, soda, warm milk and cold milk. Talk about your observations with your child.
Whip up a batch of "Rice Krispie Treats":
-Melt 1/4 cup butter
-Add 10oz marshmallows and mix around in the butter. Put back in microwave for about a minute so the marshmallows are melty
-Stir together to help melt the marshmallows down.
-Add 8 cups of toasted rice cereal and stir mixture all together until rice cereal is mixed in well.
-Pour mixture onto a sheet of plastic wrap. Shape the mixture into a ghost a hay stack.
-Sit the mound onto another sheet of plastic wrap and smoosh the bottom of the mixture to flatten the bottom.
-Refrigerate to allow mixture to harden.
-Melt white chocolate chips in microwave. Remove chocolate and stir till smooth. Use a spatula to smooth chocolate over the toasted rice/marshmallow mounds.
-Refrigerate till chocolate hardens.
-Use a little melted white chocolate as "glue" to secure two black chocolate chips onto the ghosts as eyes.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Roxanne, a producer for "Good Things Utah", pulled me aside the last time I was on set. She showed me these DARLING Halloween Hats that she cut out of paper plates! She is quite the talent, but I made patterns of her work that I'll gladly e-mail to you if you'd like them (SMMARTideas (at)
Roxanne said to be sure to use the cheap, thin paper plates. Fold the paper plate in half. First begin cutting along the trim in a semi-circle until you almost come to the end...and you can begin to cut out the shape you want. Make sure that the shape is connected to the outer rim somehow.
You can draw the pattern onto the plate for your child to cut out, or you can cut it out for him. Then let your child decorate his hat with crayons, paint, stickers, jewels, feathers, and glitter.
Sunday, October 18, 2009

I say: "Let's make them earn their candy!!!" It's amazing how these little outstretched hands and wide eyes are so motivated to learn at the very moment that you hand out their daily ration of goodies. Here are a couple of ways to capitalize on the candy situation:
Have your child count the number of pieces he receives from you each day.
Practice addition-You can hand him three pieces and then one more and ask “Three + one equals…?”
Sort the candy by color, chewy vs hard, into piles of similar candies…
Create a bar graph by taping wrappers onto a piece of cardboard (number of candies vs. types) I like this idea because your child sees how much candy she is consuming...and kids LOVE to glue things! If nothing else, consider keeping the wrappers from all that they eat each day and leave them on the counter or in a bowl, so they (and you) are aware of how much candy they really are eating each day.
Count the amount of candy (in the whole stash, or just the allotted amount each day)… have your child write down the number of pieces to practice number writing. (Your child can trace the numbers you write down if they don’t know how to form the numbers on their own.)
Write numbers 1-10 on a piece of paper. You can let your child draw/paint little pumpkins on small paper plates and then label them 1-10. Have your child place the correct number of candies onto each number.Group candy into 2s, 5s or 10s and count by 2s…
“Is it Halloween yet? How many days till Halloween?”
Show your child a calendar and count the number of days until Halloween. Cut out that number of little pumpkins. Have your child draw a picture of himself dressed in his Halloween costume. Tape the little pumpkins over the picture that your child drew. Now each morning, let your child remove one pumpkin from the picture.
On Halloween day, your child will see his picture of himself dressed in his Halloween costume and he’ll know that it’s the big day!
This activity will help familiarize your child with measurement, weight and geometry.
Let your child wrap a piece of yarn around the circumference of the pumpkin. Explain to your child that the circumference is the measurement around a circle. Cut the yarn the size of the circumference and lay it flat to measure it with your child. Be sure to use the terms “inches” or “centimeters” with your child.
Tie a pencil onto one end of a piece of yarn. Let your child (estimate) measure the radius of the pumpkin with the yarn, with the pencil resting on the stem and cut the yarn to size. Hold the cut end of the yarn in the middle of a piece of paper with your finger. Have your child pull the yarn tight and draw a circle around the middle point.
Now, let your child squeeze glue onto the drawn circle. Glue down the circumference piece of yarn onto the circle your child drew and see if it roughly lines up. Help your child draw the radius and diameter of the circle, or lay down pieces of yarn representing the diameter and radius. Ask your child to name each part of the circle you have discussed.
Let your child weigh the pumpkin on a scale and write down the number if she is able to do so. Weigh a small pumpkin and weigh a large pumpkin. Which pumpkin weighs more? Be sure to use the word “Pounds” (lb.) with your child. Have your child weigh himself…how many pumpkins would it take to weight what your child weighs?
You can count the pumpkin seeds by 2s and 5s, or gather into groups of 10 to count them up by 10s.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
SMMART ideas will be featured on on October 13th. Hopefully more moms, grandmas, care-givers and teachers will be introduced to SMMART ideas!
Go to on October 13th to win a "WILD THINGS" gift-pack GIVEAWAY!
A few local businesses have been nice enough to donate these great gifts:
*Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are is being donated by a darling children’s bookstore in Tooele, UT called The Purple Cow Bookstore.(
The Purple Cow Bookstore is having a fun, WILD RUMPUS on October 16th at their store: 992 N. Main St. Tooele, UT (435) 882-9805. They'll be reading the book, and there will be wild thing activities to enjoy!
*Larry H. Miller’s Megaplex Theatres has donated two tickets to attend their PAJAMA PARTY for “Where the Wild Things Are” ($18 value/each ticket)!
On October 17th at 9:00am, guests are invited to attend a breakfast in their pajamas and they'll participate in a reading of Sendak's book and watch the movie in 2D IMAX! The pajama party will be full of fun, giveaways and prizes! (If you can't make the party-you can still get two tickets to the movie!) ( (
Nov.7th, Megaplex theatres will host a pajama party for the upcoming Disney's "Christmas Carol", starring Jim Carey.
*Thanksgiving Point has donated a family-four-pack of tickets to their Museum of Ancient Life where you can check out some ancient “wild things” that used to roam the earth.(
So...head over to for your chance to win!!!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009
I am trying to figure out a few things about blog design...and tinkering around with a few things. I wish I was a master at HTML...but alas. I am learning a lot by googling and searching out ways to redesign this blog. I am sort of a do-it-yourselfer in many ways...but in many ways I will seek out professional help if I get in over my head.
...I know what I'm going to do...I'm going to keep trying to figure out a few things and give it a go on my own....and then perhaps crawl over to April.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I thought a smmart way to spend our summer would be to fill our summer weeks with different themes. This week has been all about insects. Boy, have I learned a lot! (Like, did you know that lady bugs are actually called Ladybird Beetles and turn onto their backs to excrete a smelly ooze from their legs when birds and predators come threatening?)
Early this morning I thawed out a few balls of frozen roll dough (or you can whip up a batch of dough from scratch) and shortly after breakfast the dough was thawed enough for us to sculpt our masterpieces.
We made sure to talk about an insect's head, thorax, we secured the six legs and wings to the insect's thorax.
Our littlest helper even placed the 7 ladybug spots onto her little bug.
Then, into the oven...Brush with melted butter...and Voila!
A yummy snack. The girls really liked pulling off the wings, legs, spots, antenae...and eating those separately as they dipped each bite into cream cheese or a little butter.