Whatever holiday you celebrate in the month of December...you can create an advent calendar to count down the days until THE BIG DAY(s)!
A special idea that I've heard from several sources revolves around creating your own advent calendar of traditions. Might be fun to write each day's holiday activity on a snowflake, folded up and tucked into your advent creation.
Advent Calendar ideas:
-You can decorate 24 little boxes with your children and fill each box with a piece of paper that tells the day's activity.
-24 Gifts-Wrap up 24 little boxes and each day your child can open one to discover the day's activity.
-Craft 24 little "poppers" or "crac kers" filled with a holiday activity each day. Check out these rocket poppers: (http://www.alphamom.com/holiday/2009/06/make_your_own_fourth_of_july_c.php)
...might be fun to make Holiday poppers and every day confetti, treats and an activity fall down on your child in a snow flurry...could create holiday snow chimes (without the rocket top)and wrap 24 toilet paper rolls in holiday scrapbook paper, fill, number and hang up by their strings...Tons of Fun!)
-Make a pop-up window calendar (cut windows out of one sheet of cardstock that your child has decorated... and paste onto a piece of paper where all of the ideas written out under each window)
-Egg Carton Advent (poke holes into the bottom of two cartons and attach them to a piece of cardboard. Wiggle a small strip of paper into each hole and each day your child can pull out that day's strip of paper with the activity for the day. Be sure to let your child decorate the cartons ahead of time.)
Here is a list of ideas that my good friends Arianne and Melanie (and family fun magazine) helped me come up with-some ideas are local to our area.
Advent Calendar…Christmas Tradition Ideas
Make your own Snowman Pizza (complete with olive buttons and mouth)
Cut out and decorate SNOWFLAKES, then hang them from your child's ceiling
Make cookies
Watch a nativity Christmas movie
Visit (temple square) lights
Act out the nativity
Go ice skating
Host a Christmas (princess) party for your child’s friends
Surprise a neighbor by doing something for them
Deliver neighbor gifts
Go to see decorated Christmas Trees (Festival of trees)
Decorate gingerbread houses
Decorate Christmas tree
Visit Santa
Attend the Nutcracker
Visit (temple square) lights
Act out the nativity
Go ice skating
Host a Christmas (princess) party for your child’s friends
Surprise a neighbor by doing something for them
Deliver neighbor gifts
Go to see decorated Christmas Trees (Festival of trees)
Decorate gingerbread houses
Decorate Christmas tree
Visit Santa
Attend the Nutcracker
Observe ice sculpture contest
Attend a (ward) Christmas party
Visit a live nativity
Watch a Christmas movie
Christmas craft
Let your child pick an angel from an “angel tree” Write Christmas cards
Attend a (ward) Christmas party
Visit a live nativity
Watch a Christmas movie
Christmas craft
Let your child pick an angel from an “angel tree” Write Christmas cards
Make gifts for your child’s friends
Play in the snow
Play in the snow
Make Snow Ice cream
Watch The First Presidency Devotional (lds.org)
Make ice ornaments
Make bird seed crackers
Read scriptural account of Jesus’ birth
Attend Christmas Concert/play
Write a Christmas Story
Watch The First Presidency Devotional (lds.org)
Make ice ornaments
Make bird seed crackers
Read scriptural account of Jesus’ birth
Attend Christmas Concert/play
Write a Christmas Story
Read Greatest Christmas Pageant EVER
Zoo lights
“This is the Place” Christmas village
Play a holiday game
Draw your own nativity
Make a gift for your teacher
Wrap friend gifts and deliver them
Go to the library/craft time
Paint everybody's toenails in Christmas colours.
Make Christmas cards.
Make Christmas ornaments.
Set up the Christmas tree.
Make gift tags.
Bake Christmas cookies and decorate them.
Purchase a present to give to charity/Take food to food bank
Have a picnic for dinner.
Go out to look at Christmas lights after dark. (make a gift “award” to present to the house that your family likes the most)
Write a letter to Santa.
Make gifts for teachers and bus drivers.
Hold a family disco.
Go out somewhere special for dinner.
Eat fancy ice creams after dinner.
Watch a Christmas movie before bed.
Create and deliver holiday party invites for a holiday party you host
Make a snowscape with shaving cream and action figures (in the bathtub or on a cookie sheet)
Blindfold your kids and have them guess holiday scents and spicesMake a snowscape with shaving cream and action figures (in the bathtub or on a cookie sheet)
Write a Christmas Story together
Write a letter to someone in the armed forces
Play secret santa to your neighbor
Act out a Christmas story
At dinner describe what you love about each family member
Hot cocoa taste testing
String popcorn and cranberry garland for an outdoor tree
Hot cocoa taste testing
String popcorn and cranberry garland for an outdoor tree
Happy Holiday Memory Making!
Fun ideas! Cute new look on your blog too :)
Tell Arianne hi for me (she's our cousin :) We've been making little advent projects for today too!
Thanks for starting this tradition in our family. My girls really look forward to it. We tried "secret pals" this year. We drew names and everyone had to do something nice for that person during the day without letting them know. It was really fun.
Thank you foor sharing
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