Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Marshmallow Snowmen Favors
These little guys are a lot of fun to make and are a perfect favor to take home from a winter party.  In this little geometry activity, your child can feel, play with and discover the properties of a cylinder.

You will need:
Clear celophane pretzel bag
twistie tie
7 inch black ribbon to symbolize hat
9 inch festive color fat ribbon for scarf
google eyes
orange triangle nose cut from construction paper
5 marshmallows

Have your child count out 5 marshmallows and slide them into the celophane pretzel bag.  Tie off the top with the twistie.  Talk about the shape of a cylinder marshmallow.  A stack of cylinders also looks like a loooooong cylinder.  Cylinders can roll and stack! 

Tie the black ribbon around the twistie tie to symbolize a top hat.  Tie the festive fat ribbon around the "neck" of your snowman.  You can cut a frayed edge for a scarf look.  Glue on the eyes and nose.  You can use a permanent marker to mark in buttons on the body.
Look for other cylinders around the house...soup cans, cups, rolling pin...

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