Sunday, August 16, 2009

Check out these pre-spelling ideas from
1. First of all, have writing materials available for your child to use. I have markers, colored pencils, pens, pencils, and crayons etc. Note binders, address books, recipe lists, sticky notes, little pads of paper, chalkboards and white boards are great for the kids.
2. Don't be concerned with spelling the words correctly. That will come later. Let them write without the interrupted, "How do you spell. . .?" I always tell my kids, to write down the sounds that they hear. Some kids get so frustrated if they don't spell something perfectly. I think that frustration can ruin the flow of writing and thoughts.
3. Give your student or child plenty of opportunities to write.Have them:Write the shopping list. Make a card for someone's birthday. Make lists (of all the family members, favorite toys, favorite foods). Make lots of books (I just staple 5 pieces of computer paper together with 3 staples and they can create away)
Watch this 1:16 minute video to see how to make a 16 page book out of one piece of paper: (
The ideas are endless. . .*Make sure your child sees you writing and that you also model to them how to write. Show them that you write from left to right, that you use finger spaces in between words."

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